Welcome to the Map Pedometer Forum

This is the Map Pedometer Forum
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Welcome to the Map Pedometer Forum

Post by admin »

Welcome to the Map Pedometer Forum. Creating a user account on the forum page will allow you to take advantage of these new features:
  • Registered users will be able to post to the Map Pedometer forum.
    The system will keep track of all of the map routes that you save when logged in to the system.
    The "My Routes" link will allow you to retrieve the list of routes that you saved when logged in.
    The Home page attempts to determine your current location and display a map based on your location.
Please post your feedback about these new features in the Forum. We value your feedback and will continue to add new features to this site.

To get started, click on the Login in button which appears on the top banner. Register as a new user and confirm your email address. Log in before you save your routes so that your new routes will be stored with your user login.

In the Forum, you can add new topics or post to other user's topics. Feel free to add any topics which may interest other users. Please do not post spam, advertisements, links to other sites, etc. All posts will be moderated.

Thank you.

Map Pedometer
Map your Running, Walking, and Cycling Routes
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:54 pm

Re: Welcome to the Map Pedometer Forum

Post by Dianne »

I love this service - thanks so much. My friends and I have started walking for fitness and we all live in different cities. We are walking across Canada and meeting somewhere in the middle (since some are East and some are West). I got the others hooked up here and now it is fun to see each others progress. It is a good way to motivate and encourage each other. Yaaaay! :D
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:16 am

Re: Welcome to the Map Pedometer Forum

Post by stebe »

Thank you for putting up this forum. I just started biking longer distances and I would just go until I felt I went far enough then turn around and go back to where I started. Now I can save these routes and either do them again or show off to my couch potato friends.
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Joined: Thu Jun 28, 2012 5:54 pm

Re: Welcome to the Map Pedometer Forum

Post by cupcakeblacksmith »

this is a brilliant site! Thanks so much, I had no idea I was putting in as many kilometres as I am :) I'll be recording every bike ride I take from here on in. Happy Trails!
Posts: 2
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Re: Welcome to the Map Pedometer Forum

Post by watchurai1 »

Great addition to the original site, very useful tool with the new My Routes function!
Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:21 am

Re: Welcome to the Map Pedometer Forum

Post by lucindastoddard »

Is There any way to add points on the map for hiking trails that are not on the google map but can be seen from the satellite view?
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Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:51 am

Re: Welcome to the Map Pedometer Forum

Post by admin »

For the hiking trails which Google maps has included navigation points, the default setting will add points along the trail. For those hiking trails where Google maps does not have any navigation points, you will need to switch to the "Straight line" navigation option. The "Straight line" navigation option on the home page will draw a straight line between your selected points along the trail. You can freely switch between the "Straight line", "Running/Walking", or "Cycling/Driving" route creation options while creating your route.

You may also want to use the "Find routes" page and search for routes created by other users near your hiking trail. Some one else may have already created a route along your hiking trail.
lucindastoddard wrote:Is There any way to add points on the map for hiking trails that are not on the google map but can be seen from the satellite view?
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jul 10, 2013 8:28 am

Re: Welcome to the Map Pedometer Forum

Post by IrishThrasher89 »

Hello all,

I just joined going to use this to track my running, im trying to get a bit fitter like I was before I got this full time job. Its a real nice website maps are excellent and little features like elivation and very useful
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Re: Welcome to the Map Pedometer Forum

Post by Beemer »

Just joined and so far made several cycle routes. Great program thanks. I have only one problem which is about the aspect ratio of the map. The height is very restricted caused by, in my opinion, too much of the height being taken up by what is above the map. Perhaps you could consider introducing a collapse button that can be used during the actual route making process. As it is I find myself doing too much vertical scrolling around.

Site Admin
Posts: 299
Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:51 am

Re: Welcome to the Map Pedometer Forum

Post by admin »

You can change the map size dropdown from "Autosizing map" to "Large map" to increase the height of the map. We will consider implementing your suggestion in a future update.
Beemer wrote:Just joined and so far made several cycle routes. Great program thanks. I have only one problem which is about the aspect ratio of the map. The height is very restricted caused by, in my opinion, too much of the height being taken up by what is above the map. Perhaps you could consider introducing a collapse button that can be used during the actual route making process. As it is I find myself doing too much vertical scrolling around.

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